Sunday, October 12, 2008

Gardner Village Petting Zoo

The day after Brandee's Birthday we went to Gardner Village. Brandee and the kids love it, Deven not so much. Its a girl place. Gardner Village has a whole bunch of cute shops and has a petting zoo for the kids and pony rides.
Majlin loves pony rides
Erik loves pony rides too!

Erik was a little afraid of the animals. He loves animals but has never been this close to them. He kept on going up to them, from a distance and saying "hi". It was so cute. Eventually he started to pet them.
Majlin is not afraid at all.

1 comment:

Christine said...

Erik looks so handsome in these pictues. What a cutie! Majlin is getting so big. What a little lady. Hope to see you soon. Maybe we can pick mom up in Nov.